Tag Archives: Will Wiesenfeld

Bathing In Baths

So I’m keeping up with my SXSW theme this year by talking about Baths.  Baths is the brainchild of Will Wiesenfeld.  The California native took his young love for music (he started at the age of 4) and grew into what we call Baths today. The aptly named Baths washes over me in some minimalist beats and low-fi white noise.  You may call this experimental or ambient, I just call it the next evolution of smart music.

Listening to ‘Hall’ off of the “Cerulean” release, I get the sense that the audio tape of Basil Exposition calling Austin Powers somehow melted in the sun.  All the while, Will drops in concise beats and some tender vocals.  It’s California electronic music.  Baths is on my shortlist, as hopefully the weather will be warm and dry enough the take me back to Cali.
