Wooo! 107 in shade last Saturday and I toughed it out the only way I know how: hitting up a cool concert and dreaming of sweat ocean waves with Cayucas. No seriously it was hot. The waves of sound Cayucas sent me way made me think of the perfect summer retreat. Sure, it was actually downtown in Austin at the Red 7 but for Saturday evening, I got to forget.
Red 7 is downtown and it is a decent place. I keep seeing shows out there inside and have yet to see someone fill the stage outback. It was a good call last week, as it was steaming hot out and I would’ve sweat way more than I did being inside. If I had one complaint, it would be the rebars getting in the way for the view. But hey, I was able to lean on it to rest while I was taping. Yes, taping.
Brazos was up first and if you could tell from the name, they are from Austin. They just moved out to New York but thankfully they didn’t lose the lazy tropical sound I took in last weekend. If anything, they seem Cayucas light. Or The Bees (Band of Bees if you’re in America). I might’ve even seen them hanging out at Switched On earlier in the day. Although really it’s hard to tell hipsters apart anymore.
Last up it was Cayucas. To be honest, I only ever really heard their single from Bigfoot aptly named ,’Cayucas.’ It was a tasty ear pina colada. What surprised me was their range. They had some fast rocking songs on top of some slow jams. I was impressed that they displayed their range with only about an hour or so to play. Because of that the set seemed short to me. I was ready for more.
I was also ready to towel off. The set was over and I instantly transported back to the Red 7 in Austin. I could feel droplets of sweat running down my backside. Yeah, it was time to go home. But not after being wistfully taken away to some remote musical island and had a relaxing, cool massage of some sweet summer music.