Tag Archives: Blitzen Trapper

SXSW In All Of Its Glory

So this year for SXSW, I decided not to break down my days there into individual posts.  Instead I will _try_ to knock out each artist I witnessed and talk about my blurry experience and/or review them righcheer.  Otherwise, I’ll just pump more music up on here.  First, of course, let me list all of the bands I saw so you can keep track right at home. Continue reading SXSW In All Of Its Glory

The Bees Knees

I remember back in the day, when I was budding computer programmer and a budding (still) musician.  The college scene led me to some tasty underground and overseas scenes.  One of the destinations was a group called The Bees.  Their first album, “Sunshine Hit Me,” I actually owned in CD format and I wore a hole in the cd player listening to it.  Welp, the magic continues at SXSW this year as The Band of Bees, their American name, will showcase their talents for thirsty young peeps like myself.

The Bees were Blitzen Trapper before Blitzen Trapper was Blitzen Trapper.  And I’m not talking about the Super Bowl Sunday.  Their earlier stuff sound much like “Silver Line” except it was harsher and more Spanish.  I’m reminded of dirty hammock on the beach with a half empty beer (not Corona) jamming out to The Bees and watching the sun going down.  The blizzard I’m knee-deep in right only makes me long for that time and place more.  There’s always a sliver lining and in this cased, it’s The Bees and “Sliver Line.”
