Tag Archives: SXSW

SXSW Day 0: What Happened Before Music Was Official

For those of you coming form my other blog, Hoketronics, welcome!  For the others following along, howdy!  I’m down here in Austin checking out SXSW.  I rocked the Interactive and Film part and now I’m diving down into the Music part.  Now before I talk about the official Music events, there were a couple of bands I checked out in support of the Interactive parties.

The first being the Computer Blip Blop Bull#$%# party.  The Found Footage Festival guys hosted the event but there was also some kick ass music, too.  Mike and Moonpies opened up and my alt country blood was a flowing.  They also did a sweet cover the Beatles “Don’t Let Me Down.”  The rain came and we moved inside.  The Laughing took over and rocked my head off.  You should really check them out.

Next up I headed over to the Interactive Closing Party and stayed just long enough to check out The Sour Notes and Mariachi El Bronx.  The Sour Notes really didn’t do anything for me, but Mariachi El Bronx rocked.  I remember looking at the guy and wondering if he was the lead singer of The Bronx, an LA based rock band I saw open up for The Hives a couple of years ago.  Welp, after I got back and checked it out, it was!  So they decided to do some rocking Mariachi because acoustic rock sucked and I have to say it worked out great.

That was the party leading up to the parties.  Check out this blog to see what happened on the first big SXSW Music day.  Hasta Pasta!

SXSW is not an Alfred Hitchcock Movie Sequel

Some of you may be wondering why it went all quiet around here.  Welp, we were busy getting ready for SXSW (pronunced South by Southwest).  What’s SXSW?  Only the biggest convergence of technology, film, and music this site of the hemisphere!  So this blog started out as an extension of my love for music and only fully realized itself because I needed to keep track of bands I wanted to see down there.

So with that said, I’m heading down there road trip style to cover all that SXSW has to offer.  Being a first timer, I’m no where near sure how things will shake out during and after the conference.  A couple of things I have coming down the pike include my own music, more reviews of SXSW bands, more reviews of mainstream bands, and a few surprises.  Hit me on Twitter if you are heading down to Austin as well or just think I have a kick ass Twitter background.  In the meantime, rock out to some Motorhead.  They are going to be there.


Bo-Peep is not so Sheepish

In the grand spirit of the land of the rising sun comes Bo-Peep.  Mika Yoshimura and Ryoko Nakano formed a band way back in the day but didn’t have the juice they have now until they hooked up with Junko Himei to for a power trio straight outta Japan.  These lovely ladies call down the thunder at every show and I’ll be bringing my umbrella when I line up to seem the rock out SXSW 2010.

So there are some ginormous barriers to talk about here.  First off, the love for J-Rock that’s building up inside is about puke all over this keyboard in pure liquid rock fury.  Second, garage bands in Japan?  Yeah, the White Stripes caught wind way out east.  Lastly, it’s a power rock trio of ladies.  I’m scared for The Donnas because I think Bo-Peep might not show any mercy.  Here their terror in “B-Level Motion”


Anamanguchi Are Belong To Us

Growing up in the 80’s (I’m a 70’s kid by one year though), I distinctly remember rocking out to ET on my Uncle’s Atari 2600.  Fast forward a couple of years and it the Nintendo Entertainment System.  The music producers for the games had the hefty challenge of composing music with a limited tonal space.  Fast forward even faster to today and you have Anamanaguchi.  These guys champion the 8bit music scene by mixing together 8bit sounds with a traditional rock backing.  They will be on showcase this year at SXSW 2010.

Bear with me here.  This warps right into nostalgia land for me.  Anamanaguchi reminds me of Saturday mornings trying to beat Bubble Bobble or Mega Man 2.  Technically it’s pretty tight.  They may not be Radiohead but they are respectable to say the least.  When the song’s over, I feel like I beat the game.  Check out “Airbase”


Les is More for More or Les

When you think rap music, do you initially think Canada?  Most people don’t but More or Les does.  You, see he brings rap down from the back bacon land of maple syrup and drips the lyrics out in a sugary flow of funky fresh show.  Okay, so you won’t see much in terms of gangsta when he rolls on through to SXSW 2010.   He’s been around just a couple of years, but he’s bringing the old school back.

When I pop on the wireless headphones, I hear the tones that brought me to rap in the first place.  Some rappers like to talk about how much money have and how shiny their rims are.  The other ones focus on the craft of rapping.  It makes sense that one of More or Les’s inspirations is Del tha Funky Homosapien.  I also hear a little bit of the Gift of Gab.  Seriously, this is what rap needs to be.  Wow me with lyrics and not by how hard you spit on the mic.  Check out “Talk 2 the Hand(Solo).”
